(Last change 12/05/2009)

Important: In order to support better organisation and faster updates of all files, the fonts and documentations are stored separately. So you need to select two links to get the documentation and the demo of a font.
You may also download a general info [pdf, 57K] with samples of all fonts here. (We recommend that you click and hold down the mouse to download it to your hard drive)

Windows® (and Windows XP/Vista/7) DEMOVERSIONS
Please read the documentation in order to see which characters are available within the demos
DOCUMENTATIONS in Acrobat-format (.pdf)
If you click on the link of a documentation without releasing the mouse, you will be prompted to specify a location on your hard disk (recommended) for download.
 Figured Bass [15K]  Figured Bass [102K]
 SmartTools [16K]  SmartTools [76K] (embellishments, accidentals, 8vas, diagonal glisses ...)
 GuitarTools [3K]  GuitarTools [137K]
 Lyrics [31K] - contains "Regular" as full version  Lyrics [29K]
 FinalKeys (Fingering) [51Kb]  FinalKeys [135K]

Please read the documentation in order to see which characters are available within the demos
DOCUMENTATIONS in Acrobat-format (.pdf)
If you click on the link of a documentation without releasing the mouse, you will be prompted to specify a location on your hard disk (recommended) for download.
 Figured Bass [5K]  Figured Bass [88K]
 SmartTools [16K]  SmartTools [88K] (embellishments, accidentals, 8vas, diagonal glisses ...)
 GuitarTools [28K]  GuitarTools [137K] New: with quasi-realistic graphic display
 Lyrics [31K] - contains "Regular" as full version  Lyrics [29K]
 FinalKeys (Fingering) [52Kb]  FinalKeys [135K]